
Premier Soda

Addiction comes in many forms.

Swedes consumes on average over 72 liters of soda each year. It’s addicting - no matter if it contains sugar or artificial sweeteners - and as a soda brand, Premier is a part of the problem.

Launching “Don’t sugarcoat it”, an initiative and campaign to change the soda industry forever. We’ve created a label and grading system for products’ addiction level, to make sure the customer is aware of what they’re buying and help them make informed decisions about their own wellbeing.

The dot system was through our prototypes proven to be an insanely fast way for Swedish youth to understand its meaning. Most could instantly compare it to the system on Swedish snus, and understood that it was something addictive and bad for you.

Small doses of artificial sweeteners such as aspartam release the same levels of neurotransmitters as higher doses of sugar, leaving the system to take both percent and per mille into consideration when rating a product. It’s designed to both be featured on top of the packaging as well as in the back, ensuring as many people as possible can reflect on their habits.

If you’re able to drink a level 5 drink without feeling the sugar rush - then you’re most likely addicted and have built up tolerance.

For the now aware customer, we developed a prototype for a new version of their sugary drinks; a version graded only with one dot due to its low levels of both sugar and artificial sweeteners.

The team:

Art Director: Nelly Engström
Communication Designer: Agnes Roosmann
Growth Marketer: Elin Cederholm
Public Relations Communicator: Amanda Holmqvist
Digital Design Strategist: Ellen-Drake Kaiser
Strategist: Carl Eppens
Project Director: Paul Rietz